Monthly:June 2014
Polaroid released its cool cam in 1988. It’s basically a pimped Polaroid 600 with fancy neon colours. More infos can be found in the Impossible Project – Camera Museum.
Susan Kare is undoubtedly a pioneer of user interface graphics and pixel art. She worked on the original Macintosh Team at Apple and joined Steve Jobs at NeXT as a Creative Director. Among her portfolio many famous clients can be found, e.g. Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Paypal, Glam and many others. If you are interested in any of her artwork, limited edition prints both signed and numbered can be bought at This is a talk regarding the design of icons and symbols and […]
I just recently read Christopher Bonanos’ Instant – The Story of Polaroid in a special limited edition published by Princeton Architectural Press, October 2012. On the back of the book it says: “Edwin Land was one of Steve Jobs’s first heroes, and this book shows why. He created a startup in a garage that grew into a company that stood at the intersection of creativity and technology. This is a fascinating saga, both inspiring and cautionary, about innovation and visionary leadership.” – […]
Being back in Hamburg for just a few days, I stopped by at Matsumi, my all time favourite Japanese Restaurant, for some delicious Sashimi. In fact, it was a gigantic sashimi platter with the finest assortment of fish selected by sushi chef Hideaki Morita.The tuna repertoire was of particular grandiosity. It was (from left to right) Toro, O-toro, Chūtoro and Hara-Toro.

Tim Cook, Making Apple His Own – A profile of Tim Cook by the New York Times about his leadership at Apple over the past years and the differences compared to Steve Jobs’s management style. Image by Minh Uong/The New York Times

The Impossible Project: Bringing back Polaroid (Wired UK)
Florian Kaps is on a mission to rescue instant film. So he has taken over an abandoned Polaroid factory in Holland… and rebooted it
An article from 2009 about The Impossible Project in Wired UK with some details on their motivation, their inspiration by Edwin H. Land and their mission to save Polaroid instant photography from extinction. They startet their project in 2008. It’s 2014 and they are still around, continuously improving their film material. So for now, they succeeded.
Wondering about the staff that left Sushi Ran in Sausalito for new endeavours in San Francisco, I set out to test them against my benchmark experiences at Sushi Ran. So, I managed to get a sushi bar seat at the very busy, always fully booked Akiko’s Restaurant, located in 431 Bush St near the Dragon’s Gate to Chinatown and Union Square in San Francisco. Attention: It is not to be confused with another restaurant named Akiko on Mason St, which apparently was previously […]
Following the personal that left Sushi Ran in Sausalito for new endeavours in San Francisco over the past few month, I set out to test them all against my benchmark experiences at Sushi Ran.First, I managed to get a sushi bar seat at the not-yet-opened restaurant KUSAKABE, located in the financial district of downtown San Francisco. It is a very small place with roughly 30 seats, half of which are at the long sushi bar. Apparently, it will officially open on […]
Since I was in San Francisco for Apple’s WWDC 2014, I had some time to explore the latest developments surrounding my favourite local sushi restaurant Sushi Ran in Sausalito, California. Actually, I first came across Sushi Ran during an Apple Keynote, when Steve Jobs showed off the restaurant within a product demo, virtually making a reservation. So, as an Apple fanboy, I went – and I LOVED it. Since then, I have been at Sushi Ran every single time I was in the […]
Apparently, there is a new Leica Shop or Boutique in the making in San Francisco at 463 Bush St. No sign indicates, when it will be opening – but a notice says, building operations will continue until July 3 2014. Unfortunately, I won’t be around by then but maybe you will be there to take a look…