Monthly:October 2015
Recently I went to Art Silicon Valley San Francisco (9-11 October 2015) at the San Mateo Event Center, an international contemporary and modern art fair. Art SV/SF is Art Miami’s fair on the West Coast between San Francisco and Silicon Valley. The art sv/sf 2015 prospectus provides with a glimpse of what was on display. “The second edition will run October 8-11, 2015 at the San Mateo Event Center and will showcase important artworks of the 20th and 21st centuries […]
During my last trip to San Francisco in October 2015, I went to Akiko’s Restaurant again. It is one of my favourite sushi restaurants and is located at 431 Bush St near the Dragon’s Gate to Chinatown in San Francisco. I have been there in 2014, and to make it short, it’s still great. Image Source: Akiko’s Restaurant It is still supposed to be of the very few restaurant that can at all be compared to my all time favourite Sushi […]
As you might remember, I started experimenting with my LEICINA SPECIAL Super8 camera and finally made it to send in the first cartridge of Super8 8mm film material for development. I used Kodak Tri-X black & white Reversal Film and chose Wittner Cinetec in Germany as a service provider. About 2 weeks after sending my material I received the developed film. Costs to shot, develop and digitise 8mm film A 50ft (15m, around 3.5 minutes at 25 fps) cartridge costs 25€ to develop including shipping costs. Considering […]