Monthly:July 2020
As it happens, I was invited by Leica to attend the Leica M10-R release event July 16, 2020. With current COVID-19 restrictions also applying to this event, I joined a small group of people at the official Leica flagship store in Düsseldorf for the release event, that was streamed live on YouTube from Wetzlar. Different from previous releases of new camera models, most of the relevant information was already spread on the internet weeks and days before through numerous leaks. […]
So here it comes. After months of consideration and deep soul searching, the day has finally arrived. Ever since my last endeavour with rangefinder photography, I knew I would return to the Leica M System at some point. Little did I know that it would happen in white. And yet, here I am sharing my first in depth encounter with a marvellous piece of German engineering and product design, the Leica M10-P White Edition. Even though I unpacked various Leica […]
I recently reported on my experience with the Leica SL Typ 601 and its relevance in 2020 after the release of the SL2 in late 2019. A revised version of the article is now also now available on the Leica Rumors website and was features on Instagram, Facebook etc. In recent days I thought a lot about the Leica SL and my perception of the system. Even though the weight of the system was a considerable burden to me, I […]