Thoughts from my daily life
I post notes about imaginaries, music, photography, technology, my travels & everything else that comes to my mind. Posts are not necessarily connected to my work.
I just started reading two books by Richard Florida, an urban studies theorist focusing on social and economic changes within urban areas. His proclamation of an elite creative class in his 2002 title “The Rise of the Creative Class” might be a controversial one, but Richard Florida is willing to discuss many of the issues people are having with his theory. For anyone interested, there also is a book called “Weird City” discussing Florida’s influence on urban planning. I am currently […]
Almost every major city has a network of underground tunnels used for official city purposes, or as a staging ground for an upcoming zombie invasion, depending on who you ask. Photographer Evan Thompson ventured below the city streets of San Francisco and captured these haunting images of its rarely seen tunnels. Haunting Photographs Of San Francisco’s Underground Tunnels via This Isn’t Happiness
A portrait drawn by AVA.
2015 | City Layouts | Design by Luis Dilger Topography, architecture and traffic routes give every city a unique structure.These conditions create the typical and individual inner structure of a city.I didn’t only want to show these structures in the conventional way from above, but also including the exact three-dimensionality of topography and buildings – a real world visualisation.The OpenStreetMap data enabled me to visualize the satellite-based information using DEM Earth in Cinema 4D. The results are some extraordinary views […]
Children ask why the sky is blue, and there usually isn’t anybody around to provide a satisfying answer. The sky is blue because… the atmosphere? And gases. The sky is blue because of the air and the Sun. The sky is blue because the sky is blue, and it’s time to go to school. Maybe they’ll tell you there.
Well, this reminds me of a 2008 article “What color is the internet?” and my thoughts on the color issue: “[…] the internet is mostly blue. In particular, blogs are red, games are green and design website are grey. I must admit they are calling it dominant colors for the categories, the average color seems pretty grey.” It would be interesting to check wether anything has changed. I bet the internet became even more dominantly blue over the past few years.
Starting today, the Apple Watch can be preordered online and is available for try-on-sessions in local retail stores with an appointment. Appointments can be made on online or via the Apple Store iOS App since 9:01 AM this morning (April 10 2015). Apparently things are not as bad as expected, since I got a slot at 11 AM and the store was far from crowded. Looks like the demand is not that crazy after all. I really like the way they chose […]
When visiting Paris, one should definitely spent some time seeing what needs to be seen, Notre-Dame, Arc de Triomphe, Les Invalides, la tour Eiffel and everything else. All very nice. The rest of the time can be spent by sitting in cafés, drinking coffee, enjoying the sun. Good cafés are listed here and if you are wondering where you can enjoy these comforts on a budget, here is a Google Map of cafés offering coffee for 1 €.
A visual representation of where pictures are taken in San Francisco as tourists and locals. Source: Eric Fischer (flickr) Looks nice, doesn’t it? Data artist Eric Fischer also build a worldwide map of local allegiances with MapBox and Twitter. Some of his visualisations are exhibited at the MoMa, utilising the Flickr and Picasa API (like the image of San Francisco above), showing locals and tourists in metropolitan areas around the world. Berlin is among them as well.
Some insights in how “The Impossible Project” came to be… Conceived at the closing party of the last Polaroid factory, The Impossible Project completely re-invented the process of creating instant film specifically for Polaroid cameras. A daunting task for sure, but one that they’ve been at since 2008. More about my experiences with their products and my Polaroid SX-70 camera can be found in previous posts.