NoiseGate received Gold Award for Best Mobile App Design

NoiseGate - Best Mobile App Design Gold Award

The NoiseGate iOS app received a Gold Award for the Best Mobile App Design and is listed as a Winner of 2019 Summer Awards on Among the competition were apps from serious players in the industry, such as AXA Banque, BuddyPhi, AgreeYa and Airbus IFLY380, all of which are heavily funded projects or enterprises compared to the NoiseGate project. After having received a Silver Nominee Award in Summer 2018, the NoiseGate team is thrilled about this latest consideration for its simplistic and intuitive app design. 

The NoiseGate app focuses exclusively on the dangerous impact of noise pollution on health and mental wellbeing. The app was developed by a group of master class students during one of the many challenges at the Apple Developer Academy in Napoli, Italy, and is available for free on the Apple iTunes App Store as the first app published in the 2017/2018 academy alumni. 

Tracking Noise Pollution All Over The World

To date, the app has analysed more than 250,000 seconds of noise with its citizen science approach and created a comprehensive map of noise distribution over the world. Since its inception in 2018, the app has been completely redesigned over the last yew months by a core part of the team to integrate even more beautiful and immersive heat maps powered by MapBox technology and move all its data to Apple’s CloudKit storage for improved privacy and performance. Furthermore the noise analysis now incorporates a deeper level of classification, allowing the user to provide more information about their noise exposure.

For more information about the app itself, the data it gathers or some of the media coverage visit the NoiseGate website or check out the previous post about the project.

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