Card-Based Learning Objective Design Method for Collaborative Curriculum Design

In June 2021, I attended the 7th International Conference on e-Society, e-Learning and e-Technologies ICSLT 2021 hosted by University of Portsmouth, UK. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference was held in a remote format. I presented a research paper called “A Card-Based Learning Objective Design Method for Collaborative Curriculum Design” via ZOOM. The paper and presentation received an Excellent Presentation Award.
Abstract: This paper is taking the established Bloom’s Taxonomy, more specifically the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, as a baseline for learning objective and curriculum design adopted by generations of teachers and instructors in their practice. On the backdrop of recent findings and persistent principles of learning design, the authors employ narrative theory and its notion of linguistic statements to propose a collaborative approach to curriculum design using an interactive and card-based method. The conceptual notions of the Learning Objective Design Deck will be illustrated and important arguments for the use of a card deck in context of learning objective design workshops will be presented. The methodical tool aimed at educators and instructional designers is comprised of a canvas and a card deck that can be used in both physical, in form of an actual card deck, and more importantly digital formats, e.g. on collaborative synchronous digital whiteboard solutions. The authors will discuss the current state of their methodological design, perspectives on formalisation for implementation in software and present initial results form a workshop conducted with domain experts in academia to reflect on areas for improvement and further research. The paper concludes with a contextualisation of the presented method in relation to other learning design tools in development by the authors that integrate the narratively driven learning experience design approach to conceptualise a comprehensive framework and modelling language for learning experience design that can be extended to a software-based approach for learning activity or even learning unit design.
cite as: Recke, M.P. & Perna, S. 2021. A Card-Based Learning Objective Design Method for Collaborative Curriculum Design. In 7th International Conference on e-Society, e-Learning and e-Technologies ICSLT 2021. Brighton, UK, pp. 19-25. ACM Digital Library. DOI: 10.1145/3477282.3477286.
The paper elaborates on the Learning Objective Design Deck, an interactive tool to design effective learning outcomes. Created by Stefano Perna and myself, it uses elements of participatory design, narrative theory and a card-based design to transpose the establishes Revised Bloom’s taxonomy into a toolkit for educator to articulate learning objectives and assessment strategies for any educational context. It can be used in both educational or corporate learning environments and serves to facilitate interactive workshop to design learning outcomes collaboratively.
The Learning Objective Design Deck exists in both physical and virtual formats and is licensed under CC BY 4.0. The digital version can be downloaded for free to print and cut. The physical card deck can be purchased and will come in a box with professional-grade cards that will last. Lastly, there is an interactive version that can be used on the virtual whiteboard solution Miro and is available as a free template on Miroverse. For more information, visit