Vultures will damage your vehicle

Ever been to the Everglades National Park? Well, it is an interesting place where you can learn about current threats by python snakes and how Florida is doomed since it is basically sitting on a huge sponge to be flooded by the rising global water level. Many birds can be watched while walking the trails and although it is kind of boring if no Alligator shows up, it still is worth a visit. On another note though, you might be wondering what vultures are up to. It turns out, they love rubber-joints of basically any make there is… So your car is in trouble. Why? Research suggest, because they are bored.
So every visitor interested in the Anhinga or Gumbo Limbo Trail at the Royal Palm Visitor Center has to cover his car with tarps or it will be seriously damaged. But even with the tarps in place, the car might still fall victim to the birds’ boredom. Apparently most other destinations in the Park are not so bad, but if you want to see Alligators, Royal Palm is one of the spots to visit.
