Tag:urban development
Based on research into entrepreneurship policy done at UNSW in 2016, I completed my graduate studies at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences in December 2016 with a master thesis on the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Hamburg, Germany, and the entrepreneurship policy approach by the regional government. The thesis is called “Hamburg’s Entrepreneurial Ecosystem And The Next Media Initiative – Public Policy Towards Entrepreneurship” and focuses on Hamburg’s regional innovation strategy 2020 and the dedicated media/IT industry cluster initiative nextMedia.Hamburg. The abstract of the […]
In February 2017 I will be at ACERE Conference (Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange) in Melbourne, Australia, to present research findings as a speaker. The conference will be held at NAB’s The Village and is hosted by QUT (Australian Centre for Entrepreneuship Research at Queensland University of Technology) and RMIT University. I worked on a case study of Sydney’s entrepreneurship policy and strategy towards the regional entrepreneurial ecosystem, outlined in the City of Sydney’s Tech Startup Action Plan, a comprehensive […]
While in Miami during December 2015, I visited the city’s business improvement district Wynwood. It is an old industrial and warehouse district that was transformed over the past years into a colorful and vibrant neighborhood just north of downtown Miami. The walls in the area have been designed with huge graffiti paintings by artists from all over the world, making it a truly unique place to visit with lots of hipster bars and coffee shops, serving cold drip and the like. […]
While walking down the Reeperbahn the other night, I realised that the “Esso Buildings” (Esso Häuser) have been demolished already. If you are interested in how it came to that, I recommend Initiative Esso Häuser for some additional reading. Basically, it was a building complex created in the 1960ies with some clubs (e.g. Molotow) and stores on the Spielbudenplatz as well as cheap apartments for low income tenants. In 2009 it was sold to Bayerischen Hausbau GmbH & Co. KG with plans for a […]