These days, app development has become the web design of the early years of the millennia. Anyone can do it and the entry barrier is lower than ever, especially with Apple’s 2019 release of SwiftUI. It is the latest framework for declarative development of user interfaces on every platform in the Apple technology ecosystem. With the updates presented at WWDC 2020, it felt like a production ready environment for SwiftUI only app development for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV […]
A week ago I decided to move my Tumblr blog to WordPress using the Tumblr importer plugin. I moved the blog for various reasons, more possibilities for customisation being among them. Ever since 2010 I only used Tumblr because of its easy of use. In 2012 I started using moritzrecke.com as a custom domain with my Tumblr blog. Since I didn’t want to loose old content or the corresponding URLs on my domain, I wanted to migrate all posts. Tumblr importer WordPress offers an […]
A visual representation of where pictures are taken in San Francisco as tourists and locals. Source: Eric Fischer (flickr) Looks nice, doesn’t it? Data artist Eric Fischer also build a worldwide map of local allegiances with MapBox and Twitter. Some of his visualisations are exhibited at the MoMa, utilising the Flickr and Picasa API (like the image of San Francisco above), showing locals and tourists in metropolitan areas around the world. Berlin is among them as well.