Rock of Ages

Rock of Ages - Las Vegas - 2

Rock of Ages is an amazing musical set in the 80-ies Rock era in Los Angeles. Recently I stumbled upon this Love to ROCK TV Commercial. I absolutely love it, but I am still a few visit away from having seen it 178 times… yet, I might add.

If you are interested in how this musical came into being, there is a nice documentary created by coin called The Road to “Rock of Ages”.

Sadly, the art of Rock of Ages came to an end in 2015. Unfortunately, I didn’t make it to New York to see it one more time before the end.

“The five-time Tony Award-nominated Rock of Ages plays its final performance on Sunday, January 18, 2015 after 22 preview and 2,328 Broadway performances, solidifying its spot as the 27th longest running show in Broadway history.”

Source: “BWW Flashback: The Final Countdown- ROCK OF AGES Closes on Broadway Tonight!” January 18 2015
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