Eyes Wide Open! 100 Years of Leica Photography

Leica - 100 exhibition

For true Leica aficionados or anyone who is in interested in the evolution of 35mm photography and the 100 year history of Leica photography, there is an exhibition at the Hamburg Deichtorhallen you don’t want to miss: EYES WIDE OPEN! 100 YEARS OF LEICA PHOTOGRAPHY October 24, 2014 − January 11, 2015.

A truly superlative Leica exhibition has opened at the Haus der Photographie at Hamburg’s Deichtorhallen. In addition to showing 500 photographs, there are technical exhibits, films 
and much more to attract photo enthusiasts to the city. 

LFI talked to the curator Hans-Michael Koetzle, to the photographers Ulrich Mack, F. C. Gundlach and Rudi Meisel and to Dr. Andreas Kaufmann, chairman of Leica’s supervisory board.


Source: LFI insight: Eyes Wide Open! 100 Years of Leica Photography

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