My Super8 8mm Experiment – LEICINA SPECIAL

Leicina Special

Last time I visited my parents, I took the LEICINA SPECIAL with me. It’s a Super8 8mm film camera produced by Ernst Leitz GmbH in Germany between 1972 and 1977. Ernst Leitz GmbH is the former corporation of Leica Camera AG. The LEICINA SPECIAL records on 8mm film cartridges up to 50ft in length at frame rates of 9,18 25 and 54 as well single frame with automatic exposure (Leicinamatic) with manual focus and macro ability.

It comes with a Optivaron f1.8/6-66mm lense. There also was a Macro Cinegon f1.8/10mm lense at the time, but I don’t have it. Particularly interesting for my taste is the lense mount of the LEICINA SPECIAL. It’s a M-bayonet mount, making it compatible to all Leica M lenses available. I also have adapters to use Nikon and Leica R lenses.

Regarding accessories, I have the ST-1 Electronic Controller, featuring a remote controller, intervalometer, sequence timer, sound synch tone generator and a connector for tape recorders. In addition there are a variety of Cokin filters with a filter mount for optical effects at my disposal.


I will get some 8mm film cartridges and try it out. First mechanical tests keep me optimistic, since everything seems to work just fine.

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