Experiences with Google Apps at Scholz & Friends

Case Study - Google Apps for Business im Einsatz bei Scholz & Friends

While working at the international agency network Scholz & Friends, I implemented Google Apps as a SaaS business solution within the entire network across various locations all over Europe for 1200 users in 2010.

Google Apps Suite

In addition to some press around that project by Scholz & Friends, I was talking to quite some people about Google Apps at the time. One interview lead to a chapter in a book about ICT-Innovations: “ICT-Innovationen erfolgreich nutzen: Wie Sie Wettbewerbsvorteile für Ihr Unternehmen sichern” by Jens Böcker and Mark Klein, published in 2012. I just stumbled over this book on the web a few days ago… I had almost forgotten about it. Although a lot has changed since 2010, many current reasons for starting with Google Apps or other cloud solutions are still the same.

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